Hello! I am

Stephen Perret-Gentil.

Advisor to small business startups & Entrepreneurs

After almost 40 years in business I want to pay it forward and share what has worked for me and what to avoid in business. The business environment is different than in the 1980's, and then again , not so much. The right mindset is important and can take a while to hone. I want to help startups avoid the pitfalls and shorten their journey.

What has changed are the tools to use for marketing primarily due to the Internet. Information becomes outdated before it can get taught in conventional ways. Learning the right sources and evolving tools to use are important and how I keep entrepreneurs informed.

What I do

My Contributions.

  • Basic business strategy.

  • Common sense internet marketing strategy.

  • UI/UX Design
  • Mobile App Design
  • Responsive Design

  • Product Strategy
  • Design Sprints
  • UX Strategy

  • Prototyping
  • User Testing

My Story

About Me.

Mt name is Stephen A. Perret-Gentil. I started my business in 1984 as a one man micro business. The company is still running and you can check it out at bontrade.com.

In those days Telex was still in use and cellphones and fax machines were not out yet. With a family loan I decided to start an International purchasing service and never looked back. After almost 40 years of always looking for a better way I have gained considerable experience that I want to share with those who can benefit from it-> Entrepreneurs!

My father had a successful business in the Caribbean and was a cracker jack salesman. I was able to learn from him, but I had to learn from my own mistakes to really appreciate some of his lessons. What I learned from him, and my own experiences, can be very helpful to a new entrepreneur.

Marketing is something many entrepreneurs do not get quite right. Not using the right marketing tools and weapons can be very costly and stunt your company's growth. Learning from those who have actually done it is not always available.

My experiences with Internet Marketing and what I have learned over the last decade is also where I want to guide all who can use the help.

My Story

About Me.

This is John Doe. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


What are my contributions

First Endeavor

Blog posts with startup advice.

In this blog I share information to help new entrepreneurs with advice I wish I had received when I was starting life as an entrepreneur. Starting off as entrepreneurs will vary widely from person to person, but some considerations will affect almost everyone. I would recommend taking a look especially if you are just starting to wade through all the new business decisions you have to make.

Second Endeavor

Internet marketing considerations, especially if you have hardly used digital marketing.

There is so much information on the Internet and answers can be found if we know where to look. However, that is the biggest challenge; Finding the right information.

As small business owners we are challenged daily with the task of marketing our business and find little help in the form of common sense advice to advance our goals rather than someone else's agenda for us.

Much of the funds we spend is wasted because we completely miss our target audience. This was the case even before the Internet.

With some guidance we can learn how to discern what to invest our time and money on. This is where I come in to help avoid the waste of capital and time.


Checkout My Latest Work.

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To Get in Touch

Contact Me


+1 (305) 593-1177, 1005

9643 NW 33 Street

Doral, FL 33192-1102


+1 (012) 1234567

123 New York Street

New York, NY 12345

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